Happy New Year! Our end of year Show was a huge success, with lots of fantastic feedback from both students and audience. Thanks to all who were involved. 2017 is shaping up to be just as exciting - the timetable is now finalised and posted on the Web. Some class times have changed and we have a new Hip Hop syllabus, so please either email or ring Lynne to check your class time. Looking forward to seeing everyone back in February - have a great summer break!!
We are very sad to hear the news that the Founders Theatre is going to be closed indefinitely. We were advised that health and safety reasons have made it impossible for the theatre to keep operating and that further investigations will need to be made. The fly tower has been in need of major work for some time and it has now been deemed too unsafe for both staff and users (such as us). We are hoping the City Council will recognise the huge benefit of having a public theatre in the city and that the loss (even for a limited time) will have a huge impact on the community. A city without a large theatre is certainly something we don't want to contemplate! Watch this space....
Exciting news! I now have all the info for Phoenix which will be handed out this week. Love everyone to come - but you must be a minimum of 9 years as at 7 May. This workshop is one of the highlights of our dance year - make sure you are part of it! International tutors, expect the latest choreography from overseas, and be part of the buzz that surrounds the entire weekend. Fun, fun, fun!!!